Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Taking a break...

Oh life. It has been getting in the way of late. As in, inhibiting me from blogging or reading blogs. This summer is rather a hectic, busy, traveling one for me, so I hope you don't mind if I take a little break. I'll be back in September with a lot more time and hopefully a lot more to say. So don't forget me; I won't forget you!

These are some pink-and-peach blossoms from a shower tree. They always make me think of brides decked out for their wedding day.

1 comment:

  1. how funny...we just renewed our vows at san raphael on kauai...the oldest church of the hawaiian islands and there are about 6 of these beautiful trees on the grounds (: i love your have a great way of bringing island life to color thank you!! i will be enjoying your blog!!


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